Artists Books

New Books 2015

The book exchange project continues, but this time Nick is given a tough sentence to interpret:
“I understand the word but have no idea what you mean by it.”
But there is more to this book than first meets the eye – it is a dos-a-dos book – back-to-back!

My sentence sent me down a very different path…


6 thoughts on “New Books 2015

  1. Another great pair of books. I am entertained by the fact that both books turned out to have holes of one sort or another. I happen to be working on a large paper cutting project, so I too am making holes. Perhaps it’s something in the air?

    1. I’m glad that you got the reference! I was originally inspired by those obsessive collectors of butterflies that now form many an old museum exhibit. I have always wondered about the motivation behind such obsessions, when acquiring new specimens had the inevitable consequence of hastily bring about their demise. Why fall in love with these beautiful creatures that flutter and tumble through our meadows when they are entombed in glass cases…

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